Be Creative in Your Deck Design, Use KAYU Batu Shorts

New Deck made with KAYU Batu 1 X 4 X 6'
New Deck Made Mostly With 1 X 4 X 6′ KAYU Batu

If you are looking to update your backyard with a truly unique looking deck, consider using KAYU Batu shorts.  Some of the most beautiful decks we have seen made from KAYU hardwood decking have been made using 6′ and 7′ boards.  If you are creative and admire a look just a little outside of the “norm” you may just find building your new hardwood deck with KAYU Batu 6′ and 7′ boards is your answer.  Not only that, for a limited time we have a special price on our shorts.  Contact us to get your KAYU Batu shorts today!  No better time than now to give your backyard that much needed makeover!

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